We recently introduced our Millennial Online Banking Survey results based on a February 2016 survey of over 400 Millennials in the US.
Around the same time Cognizant, Marketforce and Pegasystems published the results of their global survey of financial institutions which highlighted the fact that 79% of those financial institutions surveyed said they would have to change their operations significantly in the next 5 years to keep pace with their Millennial customers. Further, banking providers stated they “are deeply concerned about the constraints that legacy systems place on them” and that legacy systems remain a huge roadblock to personalization.
Yet user experience is only one of the bases that banks need to have covered to prevent customer churn. As our survey showed, security and fraud protection are equally important. In the spirit of the season we took the data from our survey and built it into a baseball-themed Infographic.
[x_image type=”none” float=”none” src=”https://www.morphis-insights.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Morphis_BasesCovered_final.jpg” alt=”Does Your Modernization Strategy Cover All The Bases?” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]
You can download a PDF version of the Infographic by clicking this button (no sign-up required) [x_button shape=”rounded” size=”mini” float=”none” href=”https://www.dropbox.com/s/bc4ihef3z0yfno1/Morphis_BasesCovered_final.pdf?dl=0″ info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]Download PDF[/x_button]
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