Choosing Your Legacy Modernization Partner
So, you have decided the time is right to modernize your legacy systems. Who do you partner with and what criteria should you use to make this selection? Morphis has recently contributed articles to three prestigious publications to help you make the right decision.
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9 Tips for Choosing a Legacy Modernization Partner
Covering risk assessment, standard processes covering multiple source and target languages, refactoring, prototyping and many other valuable tips.
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12 tips to choosing the right legacy IT modernization partner
Covering proof of concepts, incorporating product enhancements as part of the modernization process, accessibility and other great tips.
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Tips for local agencies choosing a vendor to update their legacy systems
Targeted at helping government tech execs determine the best modernization partner and covering the application modernization alternatives as well as the key questions to ask potential partners.
Healthcare IT Threats
Since 2009, nearly half of all Americans have had their healthcare data stolen.
Let’s let that gestate for a few seconds.
The Healthcare industry is losing over $2.2M per data breached there have been over 1500 data breaches since 2009. That’s $3.3B in an industry that is already significantly underfunded.
Why is this happening and why is Healthcare a major target for cyber-attar? We recently contributed to a series of articles on this critical subject.
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Overcoming The Hurdles Of Healthcare Technology
The article identifies the lack of trust that Healthcare IT professionals have with cloud security combined with data protection regulations as being the major reasons why the problem is not being properly addressed.
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Hacking health care: Inside scoop to the most vulnerable vertical
Covering why Healthcare is the target of attacks and available solutions including the implementation of multilayer security programs.
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The future of IT in healthcare: solutions are needed
5 of the 8 largest health data breaches reported since the beginning of 2010 took place during the 2015 calendar year. Each stolen record is costing healthcare $60 but why are Healthcare IT professionals so reluctant or unable to act?
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