The 2015 Chaos Report on the state of the global software development industry by The Standish Group showed that only 29% of 50,000 projects studied could be considered successful (defined as meeting time, budget and functionality goals).
The study covered totally new projects as well as re-writes and application extensions/enhancements. The cost of canceled projects exceeds a staggering $55Bn and begs the question of why these projects prove so difficult.
Of course, reasons for project failure can extend beyond the core software development process but, within the development process, broad availability of business intelligence can contribute significantly to reducing the number of project delays and failures – particularly if that BI is available/customized to and for all interested parties (developers, team leaders, QA and executives).
Welcome to K.Analytics ! Business intelligence for software development. An information management solution that reveals both the details of your existing software systems as well as improving the decision-making on live development projects.
Whatever your software language (Java, JavaScript, C#, VB.Net, VB, Cobol, PL/SQL, PowerBuilder, Delphi, Informix 4GL, SAP/Abap) K.Analytics allows you to:
– explore and document your software systems enabling informed decision-making based on accurate and up-to-date information
– identify and eliminate duplicate and redundant code thereby improving system efficiency and reducing maintenance costs
– understand system dependencies (internal and external) in order to identify risks and manage the impact of change
– predict your integration needs so that you can accomplish change with less effort.
– control, predict and take ownership of the changes in your software and the performance of your developers through customized and centralized information dashboards
– manage based on up-to-date and customized metrics. You can’t manage what you can’t measure
– ensure your development processes and code achieve your quality and certification goals.
– and much, much more…
Check out the K.Analytics website for more information. You can also sign up for early access at the K.Analytics site.
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