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Life outside the Mainframe!

Considering Mainframe Migration. Many argue the mainframe has not yet died, but that it’s experiencing…

The automated refactoring approach for COBOL migration to JAVA or .NET

There is no consensus on the death of the mainframe, and many continue to bet…

transformación digital sistemas legacy - 1
Herramientas y expertos que habilitan la transformación digital de los sistemas legacy.

Las empresas que se deciden a dar el paso hacia la transformación digital de sus…

sistemas heredados migracion
Cómo hemos eliminado el riesgo en la modernización de los sistemas heredados.

Cómo Morphis eliminó el riesgo en la modernización de los sistemas heredados. En 1995, un…

Software Systems Complexity Gap.

Current Practices and a Strategy for the Future Over the last decade, business and technology…

legacy modernization Gartner ITxpo Barcelona 2018
Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2018, Nov 4-8, Barcelona

Morphis will be attending and exhibiting at the Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2018 in Barcelona from November…

Legacy Banking Modernization

It’s Easier to Start a New Bank than Modernize an Old One Addressing to the…
How We’ve Taken the Pain and Risk Out of Legacy Modernization

In 1995, a team of graduate students went on a mission to create new performance…

Morphis Helps Modernize Leading Oil & Gas Financial Management Solution

We’re delighted to share the announcement by P2 Energy Solutions of the modernization, but not…

It’s 2018. Are We Done With Legacy Modernization Yet?
It’s 2018. Are We Done With Legacy Modernization Yet?

Firstly, Happy New Year! Secondly, apologies for the slow down in post frequency towards the…

Does Serverless Spell The End Of Containers on application modernization?
Does Serverless Spell The End Of Containers?

Does one thing always mean the end of something else? In the tech world this…

Florida Governor's Office
Modernizing Florida – Agency by Agency, App by App

That’s the dream, and not just for Florida. Not even just for public sector but…